As our loyal customers may already know, offers high-quality products for all kinds of occasions and celebrations. Our customizable awards and trophies have served as interesting new business gifts and commemorative items since our founding, in 1993. We have achieved so much in the past quarter-century, and we owe it all to everyone who has visited and shopped from us, even once.
Now, in 2019, we are excited to share a major update with all of you. is officially going in a new direction: focusing more on dedication plaques, memorial plaques, and similar items. Here is some more information about our new niche.
A Sort of Continuation
Life is full of occasions that can be celebrated with awards. When a person first strives for success as a child, teachers and parents can reward their efforts with ribbons and words of encouragement. As that person grows, they may collect trophies representing career growth or simply yet heartwarmingly reading “#1 Parent.” The conclusion of their labors, at a ripe old age, could be commemorated with a lifetime achievement award. has long served as an exemplary supplier that helps make these events and commemorations possible. By this point, you may be wondering: why would we turn our focus to memorials and dedications? Why not stick solely to custom placards for more festive occasions? What do these items have to do with everything else we did in the past 26 years? If it seems strange at a glance, but in a way, we will continue pursuing the same goals and meeting similar needs.
And yet, life itself is an occasion worthy of celebration. (We do not simply mean birthdays, either.) As each person reaches the end, we can look back on everything we did with our time — and everything that others did for us. There should be some kind of award for those who gave so much of themselves to others, not just one time but their entire lives., looking at the big picture more than ever before, will emphasize this kind of award.
For these special individuals, dedication plaques and memorial plaques serve that purpose. The former can be used to recognize people while they yet live. The honorees can discover how much even their smallest acts of kindness impacted the lives of those they care about. Memorials pay tribute to those who are gone. Long after their deaths, they live on through the words on the plaque, the memories of those who knew them in life, and the thoughts of those who read the inscription and contemplate the person honored. These plaques are, in their own way, the ultimate awards.
Memorial and Dedication Plaques as Awards
We at are so excited to move in this new direction that we already started. Our memorial and dedication plaques are available right now, on our massive online store. You can also find the massive variety of awards that we have been vending for a quarter-century.
Lastly, we would like to conclude this article by thanking you. Whether you just discovered our store recently or remained loyal since the beginning, we appreciate that you have been with us this whole time. Everything we do is for our customers. Your continued satisfaction is its own reward.